CBD Products Sold at Cost—A Great Initiative from Verdant


Verdant, is the only hemp company till date that sells CBD products at cost, thereby compromising their profits margin for those who really need them to stay healthy, but cannot afford them regularly due to their high prices. Verdant is the only company in the market that understands this need and urgency of the users. It puts forth people’s priority before maximizing its profit margin.

Verdant’s premium CBD products are now available exclusively on the company’s website at a price range between $29.42 (for 200mg of Hemp CBD) to $49.16 (for 1200mg of Hemp CBD). The products are made with 100% organic ingredients, THC free and are verified by three independent laboratories post-production to ensure quality, safety, consistency. They are also sold in small batches to match the users’ conveniences. The Seoul siblings follow a different marketing strategy so that they can offer the hemp CBD products at such amazingly low prices that too without comprising their qualities. They cut off all expensive promotions and advertisements and adopt a direct sale to customers’ approach.

Verdant was launched by three siblings, Kara, Kirk, and Travis Soule. All 3 of them have excelled in their respective fields. Kara worked as a senior marketing executive for national consumer and pet brands, Kirk has profound experience as a retail and innovation strategist for Fortune 100, and Travis worked as a private equity partner with the consumer goods businesses.

Kara Soule, one of the Soule siblings and also the CEO of Verdant, said,

With soaring prescription drug prices, consumers are looking for natural ways to support their health. Many are looking to Hemp CBD. While the benefits of CBD are real, current prices are leaving many in a state of shock, with a one-ounce bottle costing upwards of $250. With pricing like that, many people simply can’t afford quality CBD. We’ve decided to break the industry-standard pricing model by offering our CBD at cost.

Emma White: Emma White worked as a freelance writer and she has expertise in writing related to medical science. She writes on various kinds of medicines and makes people aware of the effects of it via her contents. You can mail her at: contact@cbdnews.me