Cooperation and Cleanliness- Canopy Growth’s Response to COVID-19 Outbreak

Canopy Growth Responses to COVID-19 OutbreakCanopy Growth Responses to COVID-19 Outbreak

Canopy Growth has been evolving its own strategy in response to the recent outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic while keeping in mind all the precautionary steps necessary to ensure the safety of its customers. Canopy Growth is very seriously committed to protecting the health of its customers, employees, and the community at large. Therefore the company has been strictly monitoring the changing situation and has been making decisions based on the instructions and guidelines provided by public health personnel.

Canopy Growth being a licensed producer, assures strict adherence to cleanliness and health guidelines and takes great care in making their products absolutely hygienic. “This means full Personal Protection Equipment, working in sterilized production spaces, and ensuring that no one feeling symptoms of illness are permitted to enter our production facility.” All steps have been taken to ensure that the employees who handle the products directly, have to put on surgical masks, gloves, have a separate set of production clothes and all other amenities required to maintain a clean and healthy pharmaceutical environment. All spaces used for manufacturing are HEPA filtered, are under positive pressure, and being sanitized at frequent intervals. ATP swabs are being used to ensure proper cleanliness of all kinds of surfaces along with cleaning at regular intervals.

The company is putting its best foot forward to deal with the crises by reducing contact to a minimal level; however, consumers would also play an important role in making this possible. They should refrain from sharing any inhalation device and all products, whether they are inhaled or injected, should be touched only after a thorough washing of hands. Products should be handled in a way similar to the handling of food and the risk of contamination should be reduced by restricting contact with surfaces. Cannabis devices, accessories, or any related item should be stored at a proper place where there is minimum contact and should be cleaned regularly with soap, water or alcohol. Manufacturer recommendations should be followed and only with consumer cooperation, cautious production and careful use, the spread of the pandemic can be checked.

Mia Wilson: Mia Wilson is a science graduate and has 12 years of experience in academic research. She works as a lead content writer in our team and writes the latest content related to CBD industry. Contact her through